Rada Cutlery Fundraising

P.O. Box 838
Waverly, IA 50677-0838

About Rada Cutlery Fundraising

Online and Catalog Fundraising options - pick one or both!

Rada Mfg. Co. has been helping non-profit groups (chuches, schools, civic, youth, etc) raise money since 1948!

We have earned our reputation for remarkable products and an easy fundraising system. Find out how your group can make 40% profit selling products your supporters will want to buy.

Your supporters will appreciate that great value they get receive on useful, Made in the USA kitchen knives, cooking, quick mixes, and recipe books. An example of the amazing value your supporters get is that they can buy our #1 selling item, the R101 Regular Paring for around $5.00 while your group makes 40% profit.

Call today (or visit our web site) to learn more!

Competitors of Rada Cutlery Fundraising

Online and Catalog Fundraising options - pick one or both! Rada Mfg. Co. has been helping non-profit groups (chuches, schools, civic, youth, etc) raise money since 1948! We have earned our reputation for remarkable products and an easy fundraising system. Find out how your group can make... Read More