On January 1st, 2014, Millions of Americans Will Have Access to New Health Care Coverage which Includes Chiropractic.
This is an unprecedented opportunity for Chiropractors to expand their practice.
Chiropractors need to attract new patients to their practice by targeting their key market segments using mailing lists of:
• Sufferers of Back Pain, migraines and arthritis
Newcomers • Weekend warriors
• Blue Collar workers / laborers
Pre-natal Moms Direct mail letters, postcards and flyers will get your message into your prospect's home. The key to a successful response is the appropriate message and offer.
Many chiropractors find that a Community Health Day is a winner. The offer is a free spine check plus free chair massage at the event. Some practices also incorporate a food drive into the Day. This type of event is highly successful when marketing to newcomers.
Other practices market a "Preventing Sports Injuries" program – and direct mail that invite to the Weekend Warrior segment.
For practices with a high percentage of laborers & blue collar workers, consider a series of programs that focus on safety, such as "Lifting heavy bundles without hurting your back". Some chiropractors will actually run this program at a local factory or other place of business.
Chiropractors need to start planning their marketing outreach now to be ready for the new health care coverage laws.
It's also important for the Chiropractor to utilize several different mediums to maximize his or her outreach as part of the practice's comprehensive marketing strategy.
Chiropractors who want to learn more about the direct mail segments that will be most responsive for their practice can call
Dataman Group at (800) 771-3282.