New Homeowner Buying Habits

Press Release from Dataman Group Direct

Home sales are up and so is the number of New Homeowner records Dataman Group can provide to you.

New Homeowners are a significant & definitive market segment of buyers. There are many things they absolutely NEED in their new homes plus a wide range of goods & services, and they will spend their dollars to get what they have to.

What do New Homeowners spend Money on?  Here are some statistics:

  • ·          Services – 99% of new homeowners spend money on Services such as new doctors, new beauty salons, new dentist, new mechanic, new dry cleaner etc., in the first 30 days after buying  their home.


  • ·          Furniture – 60% of new homeowners spend money on Furniture.


  • ·          Window Coverings – 57% of new homeowners spend money on Window Coverings in the first 30 days after buying their home.


  • ·          Electronics – 52% of new homeowners spend money on Electronics in the first 30 days after buying their home.


  • ·          Kitchen appliances – 40% of new homeowners spend money on Appliances in the first 30 days after buying their home.


  • ·          Bedding/Mattress – 33% of new homeowners spend money on Bedding/Mattresses in the first 30 days after buying their home.


  • ·          Water Conditioner – 60% of new homeowners purchase a water conditioner in the first 12 months in their home


  • ·          Financial Services – 60% of new homeowners find a new insurance agent, financial advisor, CPA/tax accountant in the first 12 months they are in their new home.


Dataman Group has been providing lists of New Homeowners since 1980…….and we’re still here!  Call the New Homeowner list professionals at 800-771-3282 or email [email protected] for additional information.

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