Lead Generation Made Easier – 2020 edition - Brand New Release

Press Release from Dataman Group Direct


Boca Raton, FL, December 9, 2019 - Dataman Group Direct is pleased to announce the release of a new book: Lead Generation Made Easier – 2020 edition by Dale “DataDale” Filhaber.

“Lead generation is never easy” explained Ms. Filhaber. “This book will give business owners, sales directors and marketing managers the tools they need to build a winning lead generation program”.

DataDale has coached hundreds of business owners, marketing directors and sales managers in creating an integrated lead generation program that covers multiple marketing channels.

Lead Generation Make Easier – 2020 edition focuses on creating a Customer Experience that begins with the first marketing touch and travels through the entire lead generation process.

Business owners will learn about the many options they have in terms of prospect lists, media channels, using creative buzz words, developing offers and creating a destination website. The book also provides tips that marketing managers can use with their staff to create their marketing personae and develop keyword and key phrase strategies.

Additional points of interest include the use of QR (quick response codes), USPS Informed Delivery, and social media marketing.

Lead Generation Make Easier – 2020 edition contains special sections on Marketing to Millennials, Reaching the Health Conscious Consumer and Marketing to Women.

This is DataDale’s fourth book on lead generation. Her first book, Lead Generation Made Easier was published in 2017 and was well received in many industries,  and generating over a thousand downloads.

Readers of Lead Generation Made Easier – 2020 edition will be rewarded with fresh marketing ideas that will translate into additional sales for 2020

For more information on about Dataman Group, please visit:   http://www.datamangroup.com/.

Please follow DataDale Filhaber and Dataman Group on   Twitter,   LinkedIn   and Facebook. If you are interested in more information, please email [email protected] or call the Dataman Group office at 800.771.3282




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