D6 Everyday Foundations Curriculum

Available from D6 Family Ministry

Product Details

D6 Everyday Foundations Curriculum (Click to enlarge image) D6 connects the church to home and families to one another. D6 curriculum is one of the most effective small group and Sunday School curriculums you can find. D6 is based on the principles of Deuteronomy 6:5-9—love God, love His Word, and teach your children to do the same.
D6 Curriculum aligns small group environments at church so the entire family is studying the same theme at the same time. The cool thing is, it doesn’t stop at the church worship experience. This one-of-a-kind discipleship curriculum goes beyond the small group experience. It helps parents and grandparents reconnect with kids and teens through the use of devotional study guides, Splink, Home Connection, and other take-home resources that help equip the home.

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