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Teaching for Change
Teaching for Change guides teachers to unravel the mystery of how students absorb and process information. This insight leads to better prepared lessons that will engage the hearts and minds of students. Coley offers many easily implemented ideas for sharing the truth of God’s Word that will connect with teens on a deeper level. Along with providing eight key concepts of effective teaching essential to real transformation in the lives of students, Coley also includes practical illustrations of how the key concepts look in a typical lesson. Each chapter ends with questions for deeper reflection or group discussion.
Ken Coley, Ed. D., has enjoyed a long career in education that includes church ministry and educational leadership. For the last twenty years he has taught masters and doctoral level classes in educational leadership at Southeastern Seminary in Wake Forest, NC. Currently Coley is the director of the Doctor of Education Program. He frequently speaks at conferences throughout the United States and has presented internationally in Canada, Haiti, Cuba, Panama, and the Congo (DRC). Ken has been married to his wife Kathy for 42 years, and they have two children, Scott and Caitlin, who are both teachers.
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